ACES Nation’s 2023 Gift Guide for Athletes

Shopping for an athlete this time of year can be difficult. It may seem like they already have all the equipment they need. So here are a few different ideas to give athletes fun gifts that will also improve their performance.

Hydration: A new water bottle can always be useful for an athlete. Whether it’s a larger size or just better material, HERE is a great option. 

Another great gift to keep your athlete hydrated is electrolyte packets. HERE is a third-party tested one that any athlete can use during and after competition or a difficult practice. 

The Grit Book: Improve your mental game with this 365-day guided journal for athletes and coaches.

Books: Winter break is a great time for athletes to catch up on some reading. The Champion’s Mind and Mind Gym are two great options. 

Year-Long Training Program: This program is designed for athletes in the late middle school age range (7th & 8th graders) and was written by an experienced and certified college Athletic Performance Coach. 

Sports Nutrition Guides: Choose from 3 different sports nutrition guides based on your sport-specific needs. These guides provide general nutrition guidelines and suggestions for athletes to incorporate into their diet. 

1:1 Sports Performance Coaching: Give your athlete the gift of 1:1 coaching! Our sports performance coaching includes personalized sports nutrition and athletic performance programming from our registered dietitian and strength & conditioning coach. 

Supplements: Supplements are meant to fill gaps and provide a specific benefit to enhance what someone is doing through diet and recovery. Tart cherry juice, protein powder, and electrolytes are ones almost every athlete can incorporate. 

Happy Holidays!


Why Athletes Should Create Vision Boards


Turning the Page: ACES Nation's Visionary Journey from College Recruiting to Revolutionizing Youth Sports and Athlete Development