Looking to Build Muscle? Here's What Our Specialists Suggest

Looking to pack on some muscle mass? Here are some training and nutrition tips from the ACES Nation specialists to help you do just that.

3 Nutrition Tips to Gaining More Muscle:

  1. Eat in caloric surplus - meaning, eat more calories than you expend through RMR, exercise, NEAT and thermic effect of food.

  2. Eat enough protein - this does not mean replace carbohydrates and fats with protein. You still need energy from carbohydrates and fats (more than at maintenance), but eating enough protein is necessary for muscle growth.

  3. Sleep 8-10 hours per night - your body needs adequate sleep to rest, recover, and repair. Sleep is an important part of the muscle building process.

3 Training Tips for the Athlete Wanting to Gain Muscle:

  1. Full range of motion - control in the eccentric (negative) phase of an exercise is beneficial for building bigger muscles. Finishing the exercise with concentric (positive) phase will help transfer the strength to your sport.

  2. Use the right dose - train the movement/group at least 2x per week, 6-12 reps per set, a total of 24-48 reps per exercise, 67-85% of 1 RM. Don’t have a max to base percentages off of? You should have 2-3 reps left in reserve after each set.

  3. Train your lower body - training large muscle groups will help your muscles grow. Squat, Deadlift, and Bulgarian Split Squats are a good place to start. Remember: form first!

If you are interested in learning more nutrition and athlete performance tips, listen and follow the News for the Nation Podcast. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts!

-ACES Nation


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