News for the Nation Blog

New Hack for Bigger Lifts?
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

New Hack for Bigger Lifts?

In the ever-evolving world of strength training and athletic performance, athletes and researchers are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance peak performance. One emerging area of interest is the application of cold to the extremities, specifically the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, during resistance training sessions. This noninvasive cooling method, known as interset distal cooling, has shown potential to improve workout outcomes by increasing muscle activation, reducing fatigue, and enhancing overall training volume.

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Why We Program Plyometrics for Our Athletes and You Should Too
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Why We Program Plyometrics for Our Athletes and You Should Too

Plyometrics should be introduced early and often for youth athletes, but this should be done in a controlled and periodized manner. Plyometric-based exercises can be as simple as hopping or skipping and as advanced multi-jump bounding or single-leg hopping. Incorporating plyometrics 2-3 times per week with at least 120 ground contacts in the form of games or play is a great place to start with young athletes.

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Hill Sprints: Are They Helping or Hurting Your Performance?
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Hill Sprints: Are They Helping or Hurting Your Performance?

Hill sprints are a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that have gained popularity among athletes for their remarkable ability to enhance performance. Research has delved into various aspects of hill sprints, revealing numerous benefits that can contribute to an athlete's overall performance.

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How Broad Jumps Can Tell You if You’re Getting Faster
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

How Broad Jumps Can Tell You if You’re Getting Faster

This post is going to highlight an article that gives you the tools to know your athletes are getting faster without having laser timing gates and doing away with the flawed method of hand timing. This is your low-cost, high-effectiveness solution!

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Are Your Athletes Tough?
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Are Your Athletes Tough?

Implementing a mental toughness practice into your organization’s athletic program is crucial for overall performance and it imparts valuable lessons that can be carried into adulthood.

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How Do You Condition for Basketball?
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

How Do You Condition for Basketball?

"Get on the line."

If you’ve ever played organized basketball, chances are you’ve heard this line from your coach at some point. During that time, you find yourself running a drill that has been passed down or adapted from one place to the next. 

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The Impact of Stress on Appetite: Insights for Athletes
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

The Impact of Stress on Appetite: Insights for Athletes

Stress is a universal experience, affecting people from all walks of life, including athletes who often face unique pressures and demands. For athletes, managing stress is not just a matter of mental well-being but also a critical component of peak performance and overall health.

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Are You a Good Sports Parent?
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Are You a Good Sports Parent?

Being a good parent to a child involved in competitive sports can be both rewarding and challenging. The role requires balancing support and encouragement with realistic expectations and healthy boundaries. Here are five ways to support their growth and development while keeping them interested in the game.

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Win More, Lose Less
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Win More, Lose Less

If you’ve been involved in organized sports or physical activity, you know what a warm up is and the expectation that you complete one before you begin. There are youth teams, adult fitness classes, and professional organizations doing warm ups all around the world. However, there remains a disconnect between completing a warm up and getting the ideal benefits from one. This may, in part, be because the warm up isn’t well-designed, but most likely the issue is that it isn’t well-executed.

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Social Media & Youth Sports: The Poison & the Antidote
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Social Media & Youth Sports: The Poison & the Antidote

The state of youth sports is a constant discussion at ACES Nation as it is at the core of what we do. Often we read and hear about how bad team sports have gotten due to their financial burden, hectic schedules, overbearing parents - the list goes on. But there is no denying the benefits of youth sports for the health of our children, communities, and future.

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Improve Agility & Change Direction Better
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

Improve Agility & Change Direction Better

Today I’m going to present you with science-based evidence on how to improve your ability to change direction. This means that your foundation for being agile will increase.

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The 10% Rule of Conditioning
Tiana Wood Tiana Wood

The 10% Rule of Conditioning

Building endurance is a physical characteristic that is achieved by gradually exposing the body to intense efforts or long efforts of exertion. Progress is attained by slowly adding more distance, more reps, or decreasing the time it takes to complete a distance.

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